Transfer of casino premises licence

Gambling Premises Transfer - Applying to Transfer a Premises Licence under the Gambling Act 2005 When control of an existing licensed gambling premises is to change to a different operator, it is necessary to apply to the licensing authority for the transfer of the licence. How to apply Please ensure that you have the appropriate application form before beginning to complete it. Transfer a premises licence - Torbay Council

Guidance for Gambling Premises Licence Transfer/Reinstatement Notice of an application for the transfer or reinstatement of a premises licence must, within a period of 7 days of the application being made, be given to the relevant responsible authorities: Please refer to the list of responsible authorities for further details of the notification requirements for the various types of application. 061 Application Form to Transfer Premises Licence - Cardiff Application to transfer a premises licence under the Gambling Act 2005 (standard form) PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS FIRST If you are completing this form by hand, please write legibly in block capitals using ink. Gambling premises licence | Islington Council Apply for a licence. Application forms for a new gambling premises licence, provisional licence, variation, transfer and reinstatement of licences are available on request from the gambling licensing team . To apply for a premises licence you must have the right to occupy the premises for which the application is being made.

To apply, download and complete the transfer premises licence application form found in the Download section. Return the application with the correct payment to: Licensing City of Wolverhampton Council Civic Centre St Peters Square Wolverhampton WV1 1DA. A copy of your application will also need to be sent to all responsible authorities. Fees

GAMBLING ACT 2005 APPLICATION TO TRANSFER A … The existing premises licence is not enclosed, but the application is accompanied by a statement explaining why it is not reasonably practicable to produce the licence and, an application under Section 190 of the Gambling Act 2005 for the issue of a copy Small casino premises licence - Luton Council Before granting such a licence, the Authority must conduct a two-stage application process. At stage 1 applicants must apply for a casino premises licence or provisional statement. During this stage, applications will be judged in the same way as for all other premises licences under the … Premises Licence Transfer Application Form

This licence only authorises you to provide facilities for pool betting by means of terminals on licensed track premises, when the liability for bets placed via those terminals rests with the licensee who operates the track premises.

1 prematra page 1 of 7 lic_gap1c reviewed 10/2012 next review 10/2014 gambling act 2005 application to transfer a premises licence please read the following instructions Application to transfer a premises licence -

Feb 19, 2007 ... PART 5 — Application to transfer a premises licence: form of notice to be ..... (1) Where a person who is applying for a casino premises licence—.

Casinos: Premises where people can participate in one or more casino games. Casinos licensed under the previous legislation are able to continue to operate. New casino licences are restricted under the Gambling Act 2005. This authority has resolved not to issue new casino premises licences.

Once granted a licence may be transferred or varied. Application to transfer a premises licence [36kb] Application to vary a premises licence [37kb] Provisional statement. It is a requirement of the Act that the applicant for a premises licence has a right to occupy the premises to which the application relates.

Casino premises licence. Enables games to be played or staked against a bank and/or where each players' chance of winning are not equal.Family entertainment centre premises licence. Licensed family entertainment centres are able to offer an unlimited number of category C and D gaming... Casinos | Gambling premises licence | Hambleton District… Persons operating a casino premises must hold an operating licence from the Gambling Commission and must obtain a premises licence from the Council. How much will it cost to apply? New application £1000 Annual fee £600 Variation £500 Transfer £100 Provisional statement £1000 Reinstatement £... Gambling premises licence transfer - Doncaster Council When control of an existing licensed gambling premises is to change to a different operator, it is necessary to apply to the licensing authority for the transfer of the*If it is not possible to provide the premises licence with your application, a statement as to why this is the case should be provided... How to obtain a premises licence for a gambling venue. Premises licences are issued by the licensing authority with responsibility for the area in which the premises are entertainment centres (for category C and D machines) - Note that separate to this category, the licensing authority may issue a family entertainment centre gaming...

Transfer of a Gambling Premises Licence guidance notes This page gives you information on how to apply to transfer a premises licence under the Gambling Act 2005. You will find details on how to apply including the application form, the fee payable, and any additional supporting material that must accompany your application. Transfer of premises licence - Liverpool City Council Transfer of premises licence. If you wish to take over a premises licence either as an individual or company, you must first get consent from the existing licence holder to prove that they agree to the transfer. If you can’t get consent, you must provide a valid reason and proof as to why.